Global Power Technologies Group, Inc.

Global Power Technologies Group, Inc. - Global Power Technologies Group, Inc. (“GPTG”) founded in 2007 is an integrated development and manufacturing company dedicated to products based on Silicon Carbide (SiC) technologies. These products will be foundational to the power electronics and energy industries in future years where advanced technologies are needed for low cost, highly efficient power generation, conversion and transmission.
제품 카테고리
최신 제품

Global Specialties DSC-5300 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) is a portable 2 channel benchtop instrument designed for making measurements of signals and waveforms.

데이트: 2016-08-26

Global Specialties 1415 Dual Out DC Power Supply offers up to 30V at 3A with dual independent outputs and automatic crossover between CC and CV modes.

데이트: 2015-11-09